Saturday, November 10, 2007

It's the most wonderful time of the year

No, it's not Christmas yet (though Macy's would have you believe otherwise...). It's that most very special time of year when high school seniors are making decisions about if and where they will further their scholastic pursuits. Our very own Joe Lover, Subsidy guitarist / mastermind extraordinaire, recently received his mid-term grades and everything looks to be on the up and up. That's right, Lover will be graduating from Eagan Senior High School spring '08 with plans to attend The University of Wisconsin - River Falls for their prestigious dairy science program. "I became aware of my passion for dairy at a very young age" said Lover. "Milk, cheese, ice cream, I find it all so... lactosinating!" As a child, Joe's "utter" fixation on all things cow was fostered through many long hours of intense labor on the Lover family farm. "I think the concept of hard work is lost on the majority of my peers. There is something to be said for getting up at 5:00 am to pull on some sweet tiet. Nature's nectar... it really makes you grow, as a person." Lover's first hand knowledge of the bovine variety will prove invaluable as he begins his studies in the fall. Like most Dairy Science majors, the sky will be the limit for young Lover upon graduation. "I hear Cold Stone has some openings..." No need to worry, Joe plans to commute back to the cities weekly for Subsidies gigs, keeping up his skill via intense sessions of Guitar Hero during his down-time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I once walked in on Joe, pre-show, milking another "utter," if you know what I'm sayin?