Monday, September 24, 2007

John Carpenter's "The Fog"

Despite mild bronchial inflammation due to the industrial strength fog machine, half of the band hallucinating from the mixture of cold medicine and alcohol, and getting back home around 4am, we had a fantastic time down in Mankato at the Inferno Tavern. Kick Tin opened for us, and their set list brought me back to my earlier hard rock days. Very cool stuff.

And thanks to everyone we met that stuck around until the end and rocked and danced away. Anna, Stephanie, Rikki, She-Neuge, The Kick Tin guys, the Inferno staff.
We'll definitely make a repeat trip down to Mankato. But first, I need some sleep and more cold medicine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the "peeps" in FanKato... we had a blast and look forward to another appearance!

Kick-Tin rocks!