Wednesday, August 1, 2007

When in Rochester...

I don't think I've ever met anyone who has actually gone to Rochester for any reason other than a medical one. I've heard it's a beautiful and properous city, but one which is known mainly for its excellent hospitals and talented girls basketball teams of the mid- to late-90's.

If you've ever needed a reason - a non-medical reason - to travel to the city of Lights (I think that's what it's known as??), then look no further than August 25th, 2007 - Saturday, Saturday, Saturday!

Minneapolis-band, The Subsidies, will be performing at the locally-famous Rookies Bar & Grill. The Subsidies (or the Subsides, per CityPages) plays a mix of tunes from the 60's - today, including covers of The Killers, QuietDrive, Lit, Jason Mraz, Rick Springfield, Bon Jovi, The Beatles, and more... The band brings with it, along with no known medical issues, a high-energy, high-octane fun-fest. What? That sort of made us sound like a tractor pull.

Anyway, doors open early and the music starts at 9PM. Come meet and party with Joe, Collin, Grant, Dave, and the sexy-as-heck Laura Van.
Stay after the show and party with the band and together, just maybe, together we can come up with an illness to stay around longer...

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