We had a friggin blast at the Underground in Mankato last weekend (the locals shamelessly refer to their town as "Kato"). We'll be back. Here's some backstage and performance footage, along with clips of the Jammin' for Jenny benefit we played the weekend before:
So, haven't updated this in a while. Got kinda discouraged about posting our vids when I received a threatening email from Facebook saying I was possibly infringing on copyrighted material (which I may or may not have totally been doing, as I included background music to some of our vids... because we're not that interesting by ourselves) and my account could be deactivated. I'm back to posting more vids from the Michigan tour, so check out our FB page to see the new ones. If my account gets deativated, well, fuck it. I spend too much time on there anyway.
Anywho... saw a cool show at the Fine Line last night. Rocco DeLuca. Dude plays a dobro, normally a southern country/old school blues instrument. Very cool to see him go to town on this thing and rock out. Here are some highlights: